2024 Communication campaign


The serial killer of energy waste recommends Duferco Energia.

Savings come when you least expect it. Our serial killer is here to fight waste and help you consume consciously.


The serial killer of energy waste recommends Duferco Energia.

Savings come when you least expect it. Our serial killer is here to fight waste and help you consume consciously.

A story that comes alive in three episodes: from the surprise of finding an unexpected guest on the way home from the office to the discovery of Duferco Energia and its Prodotto Blu that helps you save on energy and gas while contributing to the preservation of the sea.

We follow our main character as he quietly returns home and runs into a serial killer sitting in his chair, ready to scold him for his energy waste.

Overcoming the shock, it is the killer himself who deepens the conversation. Learning to use energy in a more balanced way can and should be done: by choosing the right supplier but also by reflecting on our own wasteful habits.

immagine gallery - campagna di comunicazione Duferco Energia - Serial killer sprechi energetici 9


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3


We provide electricity, gas and electric mobility services, we develop energy efficiency and renewable generation projects, and we do it as far as you want: at the core are your requirements that meet our most favorable and sustainable solution.

We are an energy company that builds a relationship with its customers based on transparency and reliability.

Our energy goes as far as you want because our goal is to give you the service you need, based on your usage, in the way you want it.
In the campaign we communicate our own way of being in the market, never invasive, consultative, attentive to people’s needs and to environmental and economic sustainability.

We don’t pepper you with phone calls, we don’t sell door-to-door, we don’t go beyond your energy-related needs, for your home, business, or condo.

Serial Killer asks “Will you turn it off?” as an invitation to a more rational use of energy, a new step toward an increasingly sustainable and environmentally conscious model of development, which has long been the basis of our philosophy and business.