Il nostro impegno per il mare.

In collaborazione con



We wanted to do more to support our Planet and start a partnership with Ogyre,
financing the collection of 7900 kg of marine waste.

Four us at Duferco Energia, sustainability is key. This is why we have one of the most concerning environmental issues at heart, which is the presence of waste in the seas around the world.

To make a contribution in this direction, for the last two years, we have signed a partnership with Ogyre to support the collection of marine waste. Together with them, we have also created PIANETA BLU – Blue Planet – the product which gives all customers the opportunity to do their part. In fact, with €1 a month on your bill, you will contribute to the collection and disposal of marine litter.

This is only the first step. By activating your profile on the Ogyre platform, you will be able to see in real time the routes of the fishermen who actually go out to clean up the sea and, if you want, continue to support this valuable work with us.

Since October 2022, we have been supporting Ogyre’s work, both through a direct contribution and through the collaboration of our clients.

In total, as of May 3, 2024, we have financed the recovery of 7,900kg of marine waste. Of this, 4,619kg has been collected through the contribution of those who have signed up for Pianeta Blu.

Kg of waste collected

since January 2023


Ogyre is a startup whose mission is to rid the seas of waste. It is the first Italian globally-active Fishing for Litter platform, which collects waste from the seas thanks to local Italian, Brazilian, and Indonesian fishermen. Litter collected during normal fishing operations is stored, brought ashore, and appropriately cataloged and disposed of. All this, thanks to the valuable commitment of the crew of fishermen who collaborate with Ogyre.

Thanks to their efforts, all the seas of our planet, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean, passing through the Mediterranean Sea, will be cleaned up of everything that is not fish.

Duferco wanted to do more in support of our planet. That’s why we signed a partnership with Ogyre, to collect 7900 kg of sea litter until today and starting a new collection for 2024.


Currently, Ogyre network consists of 42 fishermen, number expected to grow by 2024.

icona onda


Ogyre is a startup whose mission is to rid the seas of waste. We support it personally and now you can too.

icona della terra


A strong collective commitment is the only way to build a better future for us and for our planet.

Take a conscious decision to protect our seas. Pick PIANETA BLU – BLUE PLANET.

We decided not to hide the Blue Quota in fixed costs: We like to think of marine waste collection as a shared commitment, a mission that we take on together.

By activating our PIANETA Blu offer, you can become a key player in our sustainability commitment. We support the collection of many tons of waste from the sea and we have maintained one of the lowest fixed fees on the market for this product. Go to the offer